Kid Nostalgia

My first solo show in June 2022 at Belong Gallery in Chicago.

Memories that contribute to my Idyllic childhood that in hindsight was far from it but shaped my worldview and fundamental belief in the goodness of God and people.

Beauty is found at the intersection of nostalgia and the present
— Bam

Urban Mystic, 2022

A self portrait 20 years in the making this piece reminds me of the many paths and journeys I have been on. The first of it’s kind it helped spark the work from the Face of God series.

Chicago healed, 2022

A visual story of my first visit to the greatest city on earth and the events that made it feel like home.Ultimately you want your city to be healed and it seems we are on that creative path now.

Passion personified, 2022

Picture of the memories growing up in church and the beautiful stained glass that lined the windows reflecting now only protection from the evils of the world but a lens through which to see God in that same world.


The Three Abolitionists


One for Chicago