Ideas are Cheap.

Implementation is what counts. Every since I first came to this city, it has entranced me with equal parts majesty and life. In the midst of its physically intimidating nature move some of the most loving and generous people on the planet. As an homage I have created an ongoing project to make an original work of art for every person in Chicago………only 2.7 million to go.

Here are examples of ones I’ve done in the past on 4.5” x 6” watercolor paper using acrylic, watercolor and spray paint, ink, graphite and crayon. A multimedia piece reflecting the multicultural nature that makes up the beautiful people of the world. Unique and original, just like these Artcards. No matter where you’re from or where you live. I will send you one. Call it a gift from the greatest city on earth…


Kid Nostalgia


Project Magnanimity